On 5th May, LIFE FALKON hosted an online networking event, with the participation of Spanish non-profit organization DEMA PRIMILLA. DEMA is an NGO that has been working over the last 30 years on studying and protecting the Lesser Kestrel.  Indeed, DEMA produced part of the nestboxes installed by LIFE FALKON in both Italy and Greece. 

The meeting started with a public conference where the Project Manager Michelangelo Morganti (CNR-IRSA)  presented the LIFE FALKON  mission, the ongoing activities and the results achieved to the date by the preparatory and concrete actions. Successively,  the charismatic leader of DEMA PRIMILLA, Pepe Antolìn presented the exciting decadal history of its NGO. It was a pleasure to see how an enthusiastic group of volunteers could significantly contribute to preserving nature over decades! 

The event was extremely interesting for the LIFE FALKON consortium since partners learned from DEMA the best practices in maintaining and raising lesser kestrels in controlled conditions and, above all, how to successfully maintain the nesting towers

In addition, starting from 2021, project partners will translocate some chicks from Matera (the biggest colony of lesser kestrels in Italy and possibly in Europe) towards the LIFE FALKON areas located in the Po Plain. Pepe Antolìn (DEMA) provided crucial suggestions and recommendations on how to successfully realize this translocation. 

It was a fruitful exchange and the LIFE FALKON team thanks DEMA for this important opportunity!

6 May 2021

Beneficiary coordinator


With the contribution of