LIFE FALKON as project of the month!

Since 2017, the Ministry of Ecological Transition has dedicated a column to all Italian LIFE projects of the 2014-2020 period, called the “Project of the Month“, which can be consulted on the Ministry’s website. The column aims to facilitate a deeper knowledge of a different LIFE 2014-2020 project and to promote the transferability of the results obtained and the implementation of the solution tested among the various LIFE projects.

In fact, each month is dedicated to a project and a fact sheet is published on the dedicated web page on the Ministry’s website, with technical information and updates on the progress of the activities of the project selected for the current month.

March 2021 is LIFE FALKON’s turn!

Visit the page dedicated to the LIFE Falkon project on the Ministry’s website to consult the article and the information sheet on our project. You will find information about the context from which the project emerged, its objectives and the results achieved from 2018 to date.

Happy reading!

And if you want to know more, please contact us at


30 March 2021

Beneficiary coordinator


With the contribution of