European Ornithologists Union Conference 2023

On the 21st of August the LIFE FALKON team headed to Sweden for the 14th European Ornithologists Union – EOU Conference. 

The venue of the conference was the prestigious Biology Department of Lund University, renowned for its research on bird migration.  

It was an opportunity to present the results of the project to experts from all over the world. Among the topics addressed by the LIFE FALKON team, the dramatic effects of climate change on the lesser kestrel was discussed by Alejandro Corregidor Castro from the University of Padua, who in a recent study, showed how increasingly frequent heat waves are putting the species at risk. Ecology and behaviour were also discussed: Alessandro Berlusconi from the University of Insubria presented the results of his research on the competition between the lesser kestrel and the red-footed falcon in the Po Plain, while Samuele Ramellini from the University of Milan illustrated the winter movements of the species in the fragile Sahel region. Finally, Prof. Diego Rubolini from the University of Milano illustrated in a poster the effectiveness of Po Plain concrete conservation actions, showing how nestbox provisioning was important to support the lesser kestrel population, as well as other cavity-nesting species (little own, roller).

Five intense days, which also included a guided excursion to Falsterbo, one of the most important areas in Europe for bird migration.

31 August 2023

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